
A seeker's questions

 20 April, 2023-2 In a logical frame, our mind finds it easy to accept that (if God exisrs), It should be without shape and form. Is this also the belief of Muslims and certain Christians?  And is it that certain Indian intellectuals weren't able to find a suitable mental justification of worshipping Hindu gods with forms, as they started comparing their way of worship to that of Muslims and certain Christians particularly on the 'without form' aspect?  Is that the basic thought behind their starting the Brahmo Samaj?  20 April, 2023 -1 What is Sanatan Dharma?  What is the definition of Hinduism?  Are they same? If not, what is the difference? What is the Charvaka believe?  Should Charvaks be considered as Hindu? 

Aryans out of India theory

#ShrikantGTalageri: Aryans out of India theory. Very interesting. If Aryans moved from India to Europe, apart from their language, technology, rituals, gods etc, they would have carried with them some stories of physical features of India such as Saraswati, Sindhu etc. If something survives as legends in Europe, that would be interesting. Also, in India the Vedas were remembered and passed on. Why did the Aryans who moved on to Europe stop this practice? Or, was there a subgroup responsible for preserving knowledge and only traders and mercenaries move out? Also, if Aryans were the people of Indus valley, will it now be possible to decipher their script? Why was there urbanization skill lost for a long tine after decline of Indus Valley civilization? Does the lifestyle mentioned in the RgVeda correspond to urban living at least in part? When did horses come to India? Horses are important in Aryan literature; do we find some evidence of their use in the Indus Valley civilization? ...

Jug Suraiya's "Choose Freely, But Don't Moralise Choise"

Very nice article. But Jug suggests that choices should be limited to those which do not cause physical harm to others. But living beings are not just physical objects! Our choices can cause mental pain to others. Granted that it may not be so easy to define and identify mental agony as is the case with physical harm. But should we ignore it just because of that? For example, should our choice of cine entertainment  be considered fair even if the story pains another person mentally because it paints a different picture of a historical or mythological character he/she reveres?